Monday, September 26, 2011

What We've Been Up To

We have been very busy in Kindergarten! Here is a glimpse at what you may find us doing during our school day...

Learning about and creating graphs:

Practicing reading popcorn words and environmental print:

 Learning about letters and their sounds:

 Exercising our small muscles:

Learning about leaders in our community:

 Last Friday was picture day. I have to say, our class cleans up very nicely!

And, of course, picture day is not complete without at least one silly picture! 

Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Little Blue and Little Yellow

Last Friday, we read Little Blue and Little Yellow by Leo Lionni. Little Blue and Little Yellow is a story about two friends who venture out to play and end up hugging so hard that they turn... green! 

After reading Little Blue and Little Yellow, we did a fun color mixing experiment with blue and yellow. We used blue ice cubes...

and yellow lemonade. 

Like all good scientists, we first made predictions about what we thought would happen when our blue ice cubes were dropped into the yellow lemonade. 

Next, it was time to see what would happen. Right before our eyes our yellow lemonade and blue ice cubes turned... green!

We documented our observations in our Exploration Journals. 

Then finally, we enjoyed drinking our green lemonade! 

Thursday, September 15, 2011

Colors & Shapes

Earlier this week, we explored color and shape using paint chips.

Each child was given a piece of contact paper, a pair of scissors, and a wide variety of paint chips. They were then free to create their very own mosaics!

It was awesome to see how the students used their fine motor skills to cut different shapes out of their paint chips... circles, lines, squares, diamonds and triangles.

All of the boys and girls were so thoughtful about their color choices and placement of their shapes on their mosaics.

The mosaics turned out beautifully and are now hanging from the large sticks in our classroom!

Monday, September 12, 2011

Red and Blue

We have been exploring colors in Kindergarten. We have also been learning how to spell our color words. Last Thursday, we worked with Ms. Fleming's Kindergarten class to experiment with color mixing.

Since we have learned about the colors red and blue, we decided we would become scientists to see what happens when you mix the two colors together.

Like all good scientists do, we first made predictions on what would happen when we mix red and blue water together. Many of the Kindergartners believed that mixing red and blue together would make purple. Some other predictions were that the water would turn green or maybe even yellow.

Next, we carried out our experiment to see if our predictions were correct.

We found out that mixing red and blue make purple!

Then, it was the boys and girls' turn to test color mixing. Each kindergartner received two scoops of yogurt with red food dye on one scoop and blue on the other. The students then used a spoon to mix the two colors together to get... purple yogurt!

Who knew that learning about colors could be so much fun?!

Sunday, September 11, 2011

My First Day of Kindergarten

Welcome to Our Blog!

This blog will be a space for me to share the learning and fun that is happening inside Room 207. I will update this blog with photographs and documentation to give you an insider's look at what goes on while your child is at school!

Believe it or not, we have already finished 11 days of Kindergarten! It has been a wonderful 11 days full of new friends, learning about our school, playing outside, and enjoying being a school family together. I have no doubt that this is going to be an amazing school year.

Here's a look at what we have been up to in Kindergarten so far...

Here's where all of the action happens, our classroom!

 We have been using blocks and legos to create structures,

exploring how to use math manipulatives,

learning about numbers, 

playing with natural materials,

and having fun with names in Writing Workshop. 

Finally, here we are all together on our first day as a whole class!