Sunday, November 6, 2011


It is officially fall, and in our classroom we have been investigating the changes that occur during this season. Here are some of the activities we have engaged in that have helped us learn more about the world in which we live. 

We collected leaves from around our school and laid them out on a large piece of paper. 

We then worked together to create rubbings of the leaves using crayons.

The last step of the process was to paint with water color over the crayon rubbings.

The finished product was a beautiful piece of art!

This fall, we have spent a lot of time outside observing the season's changes. One morning, we worked outside carefully sketching one of the trees on our playground. 

We have loved pretending that the truck on our playground is a hayride. 

Some friends have been exploring our Discovery Garden and using their imaginations and natural materials to play with.

We were lucky enough to spend one beautiful fall day exploring nature at Russell Woods. Here is a photograph from our hike.

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