Saturday, May 26, 2012

Exploring Butterflies

Our study on garden and insects led to an interest about butterflies. We were lucky enough to watch our very own caterpillars develop into butterflies in our own classroom! 

We began our study by talking about what we knew about butterflies and then documented questions we had.

We first answered the question: How do caterpillars turn into butterflies? We read several non-fiction books about the life cycle of a butterfly. We drew and labeled each phase of the life cycle (a kindergarten learning target)! 

We learned that butterflies begin as an egg laid by a butterfly which turns into a caterpillar. The caterpillar eats and eats and eats before turning into a chrysalis. The chrysalis then turns into a butterfly.

After learning about the life cycle, we then wanted to learn even more about butterflies. 

We learned about the different parts of a butterfly, what and how butterflies eat, what attracts butterflies, and what species of butterflies we may find in Ohio. 

We spent a lot of time observing different butterflies and the markings that made them each unique.

We learned that butterflies actually have four wings. Through observation, we noticed that the wings of butterflies are the same on both sides. We learned that this term is called symmetrical. To show our understanding, we created our very own butterflies with symmetrical wings. 

To end our butterfly study, we released our classroom butterflies into our discovery garden. 

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