After exploring planet Earth, we began to notice the importance of the Sun to planet Earth. We know that we cannot survive on Earth if we did not have any sunlight. So, we became experts on the Sun. We read several non-fiction books about the Sun. We learned that the Sun is a very hot star made of gas.
We learned that the Sun is the center of the solar system and that all of the planets in the solar system orbit around the Sun. We wanted to share our learning with other kindergarten students, so the students decided to create non-fiction posters about the Sun. The students worked in small groups and decided which fact to share. They made sure to write their fact and draw a matching illustration.
We presented our non-fiction posters to another kindergarten class. The boys and girls did an amazing job presenting their posters and sharing their knowledge about the Sun.
We learned that it takes the Earth 1 year to orbit around the Sun. We began to discuss that our age correlates to how many trips we have made around the Sun. So, we created a class book to show how many trips each of the students have made around the Sun.
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