Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Non-Fiction Writers

Our Solar System study was even integrated into our Writer's Workshop. Since we were reading so many non-fiction books to learn about the different parts of the Solar System, we wanted to use the knowledge we gained to create non-fiction books of our own. 

We closely examined many non-fiction books and learned about the features of non-fiction text: 
  • Headings 
  • Labels 
  • Facts
  • Photographs
  • Diagrams
  • Captions 
  • Bold Words 
  • Table of Contents
  • Glossary

For about three weeks, we spent our Writer's Workshop time being the authors and illustrators of Solar System non-fiction books. Each day, we practiced integrating a feature of non-fiction text that we had learned about into our own books. 

Once our non-fiction books were completed, we edited the books and added covers. We then had a wonderful time sharing our hard work with our friends!

The non-fiction books were a great way to assess just how much we have learned about the Solar System!

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